Monthly Archives: October 2019


We need to see more mission-led innovation

From preventing cancer to ridding our oceans of plastic, mission-led innovation can help solve some of our biggest challenges.  With the UK government set to increase spending on research and development (R&D) to 2.4 per cent of GDP by 2027, almost double what it currently spends. But how can we make sure this investment benefits as many people as possible.  Find out how R&D spending needs to be redirected to help change the world for good.

Open data could improve arts and culture listings

Arts and cultural listings are an important way to help audiences to discover arts events. How might open data be used to make arts listings simpler, quicker and more effective? Rob Ashelford, Ben Proctor


FutureFest Late: The future of storytelling
24 October: Join us at the Barbican conservatory to hear from writer and critic Olivia Laing, explore installations from the Royal College of Art and be part of an interactive performance with artist David Finnigan.

Nesta Sparks: Anticipatory regulation
30 October: Traditional ways of regulating are struggling to cope with the pace of change in technology. Join us for a lunch and learning session on anticipatory regulation, an emerging approach that responds to evolving markets.

Our Data, Our Future
5 November: This two-day symposium in Turin, Italy will focus on constructing viable democratic alternatives to big tech and discuss how Europe can better protect its citizen rights.



Innovation in Teaching Practice Workshops and Senior Academic Leadership Programme.

During 2019-20 we will be running a series of one-day Innovation in Teaching Practice Workshops. Ahead of the launch, Kathy Wright, our Assistant Director in Knowledge, Innovation and Delivery, shares her blog: Sparking Creativity.

On 19 November 2019, our new Senior Academic Leadership Programme will begin. The programme is designed for senior academic leaders to develop collective commitment through transformational leadership, creativity and shared learning. Co-Director Kate Tapper, shares her blog: How creative is your leadership? in advance of the launch.

Visit the webpages for more information

Foundations of KE

PraxisAuril has developed a course on Knowledge Exchange?

Knowledge Exchange (KE) has been in the lexicon of universities for a few years now. With the advent of the KE framework and concordat, a growing number of people in universities are aware of, or support, KE activities.

The course puts the KE agenda into context and outlines the key issues to consider when developing any KE project. It seeks to draw out the drivers for KE as well as the common skills seen across all the perspectives. It will introduce a generic logic model and project design tools to get to the foundations of how to develop projects that will lead to impact through universities engaging in Knowledge Exchange activities.  For more information click here Foundations of Knowledge Exchange


Global Health Research Programme funds ground-breaking research into snakebite
The NIHR’s Global Health Research Programme has funded ground-breaking new research through its African Snakebite Research Group (ASRG). The Group’s research will help design and implement systems to reduce snakebite deaths and disability, and establish self-sustaining regional hubs of snakebite expertise. Read more

NHS consultant and trainee prize winners commended
The National Institute of Health Clinical Research Network (NIHR CRN) and Royal College of Physicians run an award in partnership to recognise outstanding contributions of NHS consultants and trainees who are active in research. The nominations have now been reviewed and the NIHR is delighted to announce the winners. Read more


Global Health Research Professorships Award now open for applications

Research Activity Integration – improved visibility of research activity data


Welcome to the September 2019 Update

This month we announce the signing of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers 2019, we launch the HE Stats reports for 2020 and we hear from two Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence winners in the run up to the award ceremony in October.

Advance HE is proud to be a signatory to the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers 2019, the ‘agreement between employers of researchers and research funders on the expectations for the professional development and employment conditions of researchers in the UK.’ Alison Johns, Chief Executive, welcomed the initiative “with its renewed vigour to promote fair access” for researchers.

With the award ceremony coming up for National Teaching Fellowship and the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) in October, we hear from two of the CATE winners about their initiatives. Professor Bob Gilmour, Principal Investigator for PEETS, shares his thoughts on the journey to creating an award-winning submission. Mark Huxham a National Teaching Fellow and leader of the ‘Students as Colleagues’ team at Edinburgh Napier University, discusses that ‘joyful and transformational partnerships with students are still possible’, even for sceptics.

Dr Marcia Wilson and Clare Matysova from the University of East London (UEL) share their experience of the Race Equality Charter self-assessment process. UEL achieved a Bronze Race Equality Charter (REC) award in May 2019. This was the culmination of a two-year collaborative effort by staff across the institution and it was quite a journey.

Shirley Wardell, programme director of our Research Team Leadership development programme discusses the importance of encouraging diverse thinking and insight into the valuable skills every leader should prioritise. Highlighting the principles of the Thinking Environment®, Shirley describes how the platform creates the conditions for diverse thinking to flourish.

An international audience of healthcare professionals, conference organisers and student delegates at the NET Conference 2019 share their impressions of this year’s 30th anniversary conference.

We have created two useful infographics to help you understand how our Bespoke Equality Research works and how they can benefit your institution. Our Bespoke Equality Research helps institutions develop a clear picture of where they stand, helps raise the profile of equality issues with staff, and provides tailored data and advice. We have two bespoke audits: Equality Audit; and, Bullying and Harassment Audit.

The Hidden Curriculum is a well-recognised phenomenon in compulsory education. It concerns the knowledge, norms, values and attitudes that underpin the educational system and is conceptually used to explore the unstated rules of education. We are looking for submissions to contribute to a publication to reconcile existing knowledge and understanding of the hidden curriculum and widen the scope of enquiry to be more inclusive.


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