Monthly Archives: June 2015

ECRs and ERCs: RKE forum feedback

Thank you to everyone who attended the RKE forum yesterday.  We were very happy to hear so many experiences and suggestions on how to support Early Career Researchers and Early Research Careers.

Thanks especially to our panel of ECRs and ERCs:

We’ll be taking on board all the comments and suggestions received at the forum.  If you couldn’t attend and would like to offer any suggestions, please contact Nick Williamson .

The next RKE forum will focus on sustainability and is planned for 22nd July.

CareTech 2015: Conference on Assistive Technologies

When:  Thursday 4th June 2015, 9am to 4.30pm
Where: Canterbury campus, 0g46 & Og12, Old Sessions House

CareTECH-2015-largeCCCU are hosting the final conference for the Interreg-funded COALAS project.  The COALAS project is about developing new Assistive Technologies in the Healthcare sector.  Continue reading CareTech 2015: Conference on Assistive Technologies